my personal tech stack

My daily driver is a Framework 13; it’s one of the most rewarding hardware purchases I’ve ever made.

I use Arch Linux (btw), and have been doing so almost exclusively since 2020-ish. This brings great joy, and occasional torment.

My window manager is Sway, which is Wayland-based and i3-like. It’s simple, well-maintained, and a pleasure to customize.

I use Rofi as my app launcher, Waybar for my menu bar, Thunar for file management, and Alacritty as my terminal emulator.

My login shell is zsh, made lovelier by Oh My Zsh.

My text editor of choice is vim, and my preferred terminal multiplexer is tmux.

Almost everything is themed with color palettes like those from Catppuccin.

I use Obsidian for linked notes. I like that it’s free and yet all my files are stored locally in Markdown.

For managing scientific papers and citations, it can only be Zotero, which is possibly the greatest piece of free and open source software ever.

I listen to music for the greater portion of my waking hours. Typically this is via the usual streaming services, but I also like to carry my lovingly-hacked iPod classic for more intentional listening.

At home, I have a rather beefy desktop — also Arch, btw — which I built in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and primarily use for file storage and gaming.